Carmic Productions / FILMS
On location in the Rift Valley, Kenya
Carmic Productions' documentary work celebrates artists and activists. Since 2009, we have produced a number of award winning documentaries and we’re working on more. In the showcase below you can discover some of our films and ongoing documentary projects:
Water Bucks:
The Atlantic City Story
NYC Takes on ART:
From Bombay to Brooklyn
The Master's Brush
Requiem for 5Pointz
Wind Shadows
Letters from Slovenia
A Series of short documentaries
about water privatization
Water Bucks features cases where financial and political complicity have resulted in privatization of water (bottling), water management (private companies) , and waste water management. Privatization frequently results in reduced access to clean water and degrades civil life. These documentaries shows the harm caused by the willful and continuing process of abnegation of public management in the face of strong marketing powers of global water utilities.
Visit the documentary film's Facebook page >
Letters from Slovenia
An Exceptional Documentary about Political and Personal History
The discovery of a cache of family letters from a Central European homeland piques the interest of a New York filmmaker. Combing though the correspondence, she traces a chronology of violent political history - both personal to the family and universal for the region under authoritarian governments following World War One.
Letters from Slovenia
An ambitious documentary about political and personal history
The discovery of a cache of family letters from a Central European homeland piques the interest of a New York filmmaker. Combing through the correspondence, she traces a chronology of violent political history - both personal to the family and universal for the region under authoritarian governments following World
War One.
Wind Shadows
Lions and livestock vs politicians,
the Rift Valley, Kenya
Wind Shadows, a feature documentary, follows the impact on the Maasai people, farmers and ranchers by changes in land use in the Central Rift Valley. Shot with lightweight HD cameras to allow easy movement on difficult terrain and to capture the natural beauty of the land and wildlife, Wind Shadows shows the impact of a planned wildlife corridor through interviews with affected people and committed environmentalists.
Series of short docs introducing foreign artists working in New York City
Where do they work? What do they do? Where do they come from? What do they consider the most interesting offering of the city?
Discover the trailers below.
From the short doc series
NYC Takes on ART
A short documentary on the unusual art forms found in Richard Tsao’s colorful Flood Room
The Master’s Brush
From the short doc series
NYC Takes on ART
From the short doc series
NYC Takes on ART
A short documentary on the fanciful imagination of Preet Srivastava